The psychology of colour: yellow
Martha Roberts, creator of The Colour File, investigates how colour makes us think, act and feel. Let’s look at mellow yellow...

Yellow grabs our attention more than any of the other colours – think bees, warning signs and Post-it notes. It’s also known as the colour of cowardice, caution and toxicity as the yellow pigments of cadmium, lead and chrome are poisonous.
But, used in the right way, yellow has the power to de-stress and rebalance us. Psychotherapist Lisa Skeffington says: ‘Holistically, yellow represents the healthy energy within our solar plexus, which helps us to balance stress levels. Visualising yellow can help to guide us back to homeostasis, or equilibrium.’
The colour challenge
Seeing is believing
Try this mood-lifting, stress-busting exercise. Imagine yourself outdoors in a space that feels safe and comfortable. Then, imagine a heavy cloud hovering over you, representing your stresses and worries. You may get a sense of pressure and dampened feelings. Use the power of your intention to direct this cloud of worry to move away from you.
Exhale deeply
Let your breath be the breeze that shifts the cloud. As it drifts, imagine a vibrant and warm yellow sun coming into view from behind the cloud.
Pay attention to that orb as you allow the cloud to evaporate. Welcome the sun’s warmth and brightness. ‘See’ its rays penetrating your solar plexus.
Locate the feeling
Find the ‘tangible’ glow by imagining the yellowness of the sun shining inside you. Do you feel growing optimism? Do you feel your nerves being soothed? Do you feel less stressed?
Intensify your sense of ease by visualising an even deeper yellow. Allow it to extend through your body, releasing tension. Do this exercise daily.
Find out more about Martha here.
Images: Martha Roberts