What’s holding you back from sorting your clutter?

Take our test to find out why you hang onto the things that you do, and use it to help declutter your life.


If you canโ€™t seem to get on top of your stuff when it piles up, donโ€™t assume you are simply disorganised. Take our test to find out why you hang onto the things that you do, and what it reveals about your state of mind.

Personality Test

If you lost all your things in a house fire, you'd feel…

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You would get rid of more stuff if only…

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People living in immaculate, minimalist homes…

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Inviting someone around to your place is…

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When you open your wardrobe, you see…

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You find it easiest to get rid of clutter…

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Which of these clothes would you find it hardest to throw away?

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You are drawn to a simpler way of living when you…

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Rifling through a car-boot sale is…

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Living out of just a suitcase on holiday is…

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