Test: What’s your personal winter wellbeing focus?
The right mindset can help you flourish all winter – take our test to find out what key seasonal shift will bring you the most benefits.

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We may associate winter with hunkering down and hibernating, but with the right mindset, it can also be a time of growth and new possibilities. Your key for a wonderful winter is to lean into the seasonal shift that invites us to slow down and find more time to reflect and relax.
If you have a tendency to overthink, it can be a challenge not to get caught up in planning for the busy weeks ahead. At times, it might even feel like the best way to get through winter is to emotionally detach or tread water until spring. But by staying present, responsive, and reflective, you may notice abundant moments of joy.
A focus on reflection is about embracing what the season has to offer by staying present, so it might help to spend regular time outdoors in green spaces. As someone who likes to live life to the full, your instinct might be to resist the naturally slower pace of this time of year.
But reflection can also help you make space, practically and emotionally, for new people and opportunities that come your way. With this in mind, can you let go of any self-imposed pressure to live your life a certain way? You might be surprised to find that frees up emotional energy and reveals the abundance of possibilities around you.
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