Are you optimistic about life?

Is happiness there for you to grasp with both hands? Or are you so preoccupied with everyday life that you just don't have time to think about it? Take this test by psychoanalyst Jacques Arénes to find out


Test: Are you optimistic about life?

Personality Test

A colleague at work is telling you about a family party she is very excited about. You think:

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You've got a free evening, unexpectedly. You:

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You arrive at the doctor's surgery and the waiting room is heaving with people – there's only one free seat. You:

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Some friends invite you to spend time at their country house. You:

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You're catching a flight tomorrow morning. When do you pack your suitcase?

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You learn that a friend has been diagnosed with a serious illness. You:

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You are asked your opinion on an important project. You:

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