Katie Piper on how to see the good in times of trouble
Gratitude in dark times: We are hardwired to see the negatives, but we can overturn this negative bias and feel hope again using this gratitude journal practice, writes resilience champion Katie Piper...

“The benefits of a gratitude practice are well known” says Katie, “and journalling is the most popular method. It’s about giving yourself time to reflect and remain conscious of the things that you are thankful for every day. Research shows that our brains are geared towards negative thinking, but gratitude helps us tune into the positives and move away from negativity. Of course, practising gratitude is far easier when we’re experiencing good times! A gratitude practice is most difficult during strenuous periods, yet these are when it is most crucial.”
Consider the following if you would like to begin or strengthen your practice:
1. Think of gratitude as a way to help you deal with a crisis. Practising gratitude during the most difficult periods can be a way to help you cope and take your attention away from negatives.
2. Over time, turning gratitude into a habit will help you grow more resilient and gratitude has been shown to reduce stress.
3. If trying to practise gratitude during a challenging time, don’t be too concerned about what you write down. It could be something as simple as the sun rising, drinking a cup of co ee that was particularly enjoyable or remembering to unload the washing machine. Nothing is too silly or small. Sometimes, the little things are the most important and uplifting, and help keep us going.
Tip: You don’t have to buy a journal unless you want one. You can easily keep a gratitude list on the Notes app on your phone. Simply write down three things that you are thankful for every day – that’s it. You will soon feel the benefits, I promise.
”Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity… It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow“ – MELODY BEATTIE
‘Confidence: The Journal: Your Year Of Positive Thinking’ by Katie Piper (Quercus, £9.99)