Flower essences for grief
As we know grief isn’t a linear beast, it can rear its head at any time – unannounced and as powerful as the day we first experienced it. Here Saskia Marjoram, director of Saskias Flower Essences, shares her advice

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I remember driving past the house of one of my ‘other mums’ 10 years after she had died and being taken by a wave of grief so high I had to stop the car until I stopped sobbing – unfortunately that was before I made flower essences.
Modern life often doesn’t leave room for proper grieving. We rush on with our lives pushing it to one side whilst we cope with everything else we have to deal with – including other peoples’ suffering. And of course, it isn’t always caused by people dying – it can be due to relationship breakdown, infertility, letting go of dreams, children leaving home… so many things leave our heart bruised and battered.
Luckily, we have flower essences to help and support you. They are great tools to use at whatever stage of the journey you are on, bringing support and space to release emotions as they come up, as well as helping to shift dull unheard heart ache.
For initial, raw, sobbing grief our Emotional Relief combination is the best option. Someone described it as a hug in a bottle and it’s great to carry around with you for those times when you feel you are about to burst into tears or collapse in a heap and it feels inappropriate to do so.
Snowdrop flower essence is one of those that I prescribe for grief that has got stuck. For those that weren’t able to grieve properly at the time, who couldn’t cry or find the space to properly let out the pain. This often lodges in the body, mostly as a weight on the shoulders or in the heart. Snowdrop essence gently but powerfully melts all we are holding on to allowing tears to flow and release to come.
Wild Rose essence gently softens the heart and brings you back to a place where you want to fully live again. It is for those people who, after the initial grief has left, close down a bit. Nothing feels actually wrong, but life is all just a bit dull and grey. This is often due to closing down your heart, so it doesn’t get hurt again.
And Dicentra (Bleeding Heart) essence is fabulous to use if your heart has been broken. It allows space for healing, protecting you from everyone and everything else whilst you recover enough to open up again in your own time.
Of course we all deal with things differently so it’s hard to mention all of the essences that you might need on your own particular journey but do get in touch if you have any questions or want me to make suggestions or to mix you up your own personal blend of essences to help support you.
I can’t reiterate enough how amazing flower essences can be in today’s often brutal world. They are powerful but gentle, soft but effective and are completely safe to take whilst using medication, whilst pregnant or breastfeeding, for children and animals, and they just do the work needed with very little effort on your part.
Saskia Marjoram is the director of Saskias Flower Essences and has worked with flowers at different levels for her whole life. She has been making and prescribing essences for the last 15 years and is always willing to answer questions. Her email is info@saskiasfloweressences.com
Pictured: Saskia Marjoram
Main image: Getty/istock