Barefoot Coaches' Channel
Read our blogs from Barefoot Coaching-certified coaches as they explore the lessons they have learned (and teach to their clients). From relationships to careers, to life goals and mental wellness, find their wisdom below.
Asynchronous Connection – online – anytime – a new way of getting support
At this time where we are all piled into one house with kids and dogs and washing up, a new way of getting support was called for.
Lockdown rebirth
Times of great uncertainty can sometimes lead to tipping points which lead to new ways of living.
Sniffing your way
In this time of so much uncertainty, when it hard to plan or think ahead, it seems to me that we have to sniff our way forward.
Musings on a walk
My morning walks seem to be giving life a holding space where lots of other certainties have gone.
4 Things You Need to Know about Your Feminine Cycle that Will Change Your Life
For the last few years I’ve been studying everything about the feminine cycle. I’ve always hated my cycle. I’ve always thought that being a woman was a disadvantage, after all we are the ones who have to deal with PMS, period pain, hormonal changes, not to mention pregnancy and giving birth! I spent years on […]
Lock-down learning: feed your mind and become more employable
What keeps you up at night? There is probably a book that might help you. What do you wish you were better at? There is perhaps a book about that too.
Let nature guide us
After the findings of the survey, how do we even start to create the life so many people said they wanted?
How has COVID-19 changed you, your day to day life and what you would like the future to be?
I did a survey asking three questions about how covid is changing’s what people said.
Why the coronavirus crisis keeps us stuck by provoking our fear of death
The coronavirus crisis is forcing us to face something which human beings excel at avoiding. Death is the biggest taboo of them all and one which we spend a lifetime denying.