What Happens When We Let The Wild Things Be Wild?

Zaidha Roscoe
Business and Personal Coach
Hi, I’m Zaidha Roscoe & I’m a Personal & Business Coach helping people who are audacious enough to want something better & courageous enough to do something about it achieve clarity, overcome overwhelm, discover their unique purpose & create authentic, lasting change. Are you feeling stuck & frustrated, overwhelmed by increasing demands & ‘should do’s’ yet unfulfilled despite running yourself ragged to do all & be all? Are you sick of conforming to patterns that don’t fit & don’t even come close to utilizing your innate gifts & talents? Do you know something needs to change & that you want something better? You might have no idea what that looks like yet but you do know it’s definitely NOT THIS! Or perhaps you’ve already been through or are going a time of unexpected change or transition, maybe the whole landscape of your life has changed whether you wanted it too or not & your left feeling lost thinking what now? Where do I go from here? What are the possibilities & how do I even begin to navigate & build something meaningful? Or maybe you know exactly what it is you want, you’re excited & you’re determined, you just aren’t too sure how to get from where you are now to where you want to be. No one you know has ever gone this way before so you’re striking out & forging a path where there is no path & you need some help & support figuring out what that looks like & some belief & encouragement whilst you do it! No matter where you are starting from, if you want to live a life of passion & purpose & are ready to start on your own journey of growth & transformation then I’m your coach! Together we will explore & get clear on what it is you really want, dismantle the overwhelm, identify, challenge & overcome the obstacles keeping you stuck & start to create movement by putting in place the little steps that lead to big changes! We will recognize your values & set goals that honour them & discover & harness your unique strengths, gifts & talents to build a positive, authentic & fulfilling life & career that feels great on the inside & not one that merely looks good on the outside! My absolute favourite quote is ‘A ship in harbour is safe-but that is not what ships are built for.’ -John A. Shedd Put simply coaching helps you answer the questions What is your ship built for? What is keeping you in harbour? And what do you need to do to set sail? Feel free to contact me & we can have a chat about how we might work together! I offer 1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching and Workshops either online, face to face or in the great outdoors! I’m qualified in Business & Personal Coaching with industry leaders Barefoot Coaching & have 18 years experience running an independent business. I am registered with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) & adhere to their industry standards as well as working with my own coach & within a supervision group. I believe it’s important to constantly build on my learning & knowledge in order to be able to deliver the very best service possible to my clients. Therefore I am working towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching with the University of Chester & my next level of ICF credentialling.