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Rise Like a Phoenix from the Ashes: A Poetic Journey of Self-Rediscovery

You can hear me receite my poem Rise Like a Phoenix here.

I have risen like a phoenix out of the ashes of my mind, with thoughts so dire like from the dragon’s breath of fire I was on the ground digging, down, a hole broken, defeated, rejected, impaired person in the dark – not a glimmer of light

We’ve all faced moments when it felt like the weight of the world was crushing our spirit. Times when our minds became prisons of negativity and despair, pulling us further into darkness. These experiences are universal, yet profoundly personal.

But then the R.A.I.N, it came
I, Recognized, I Allowed, I Investigated I Nurtured,
I confronted….. and I comforted, that broken soul, inside

Tara Brach’s RAIN acronym offers a powerful tool for navigating these turbulent emotional waters. It stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture. This practice can guide us through our darkest hours, helping us confront and comfort the parts of ourselves that are in pain.

I embraced the dark side that was inside of me I invited it, to just stay, I simply let it be – no fixing, no feelings, no thoughts, just sitting with it time and time again, “it was what it was”, “it is what it is”

Acceptance is a critical step in healing. By acknowledging our pain without trying to immediately fix or suppress it, we give ourselves permission to heal at our own pace. This non-judgmental approach allows us to sit with our discomfort and understand it more deeply.

I just did it bit by bit, step by step, mile by mile and eventually, I found, again, my smile.It was there all along just lost in my thoughts, in the depths of my mind’s rubble, I just got stuck, no hope, fell into the darkest bubble

Healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s about taking small, consistent steps. Over time, these steps accumulate, leading us back to our true selves. Our inner light is never extinguished; it merely gets obscured by the rubble of our thoughts and experiences.

I learned to laugh again, and to truly love each part of me the good, the bad, the flawed, the weak, the strength I achieved it, I got it down to the T. Yes, I rose like a phoenix from the ashes of my despair and afterward, I soared even higher up into the air. My soul is free, with the lighter me, now I can be, who I am truly meant to be.

Reaching a place of self-love and acceptance allows us to soar to new heights. When we embrace our whole selves—the good, the bad, and the flawed—we unlock our true potential. This journey is one of profound transformation, leading us to a life of greater freedom and fulfilment.

Embracing Our Human Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, where feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, stress, and depression are all too common, it’s crucial to prioritize our mental health and well-being. Understanding that we are all human beings having a human experience can help us navigate these challenges with compassion.

We experience a wide range of emotions:

  • Secure or insecure
  • Vulnerable or courageous
  • Good and bad
  • Strong and powerful or uncertain and fearful

These emotions are influenced by our past experiences, current circumstances, and future uncertainties. Everyone has their own story, and each story is valid.
I have known some dark times in my life, but now I look back and all of those dark times taught me something about myself and life.

Embracing the Gift of Learning

Our darkest times can be our greatest teachers. They show us our resilience and strength. We may fall or fail, but these experiences do not define us. Instead, they offer valuable lessons that can propel us to new heights we never thought possible.

Learning to Rise Higher

When we learn from our falls and failures, we can rise higher than ever before. These experiences help us unlock our full potential, drawing upon our unique gifts, talents, and life experiences.

Tara Brach’s RAIN method is an excellent resource for those struggling with mental and emotional unrest. It provides a framework for understanding and nurturing ourselves through difficult times. You can find more about her work here

Seeking Help and Support

If you’re experiencing mental or emotional challenges, don’t hesitate to seek help. Reach out. There are many effective therapies available. Finding the right one that suits your unique needs can make all the difference.

Your mental well-being matters. You matter. By taking steps to care for yourself, you can rise from the ashes of despair and soar to new heights. Remember, the journey to self-rediscovery and healing is a testament to your strength and resilience.

You are not alone.

Patricia Ahern

Patricia Ahern

Mental Fitness and Self Love Coach

About me and my self love journey I love creativity I Love writing I love singing I love curiosity, wonder and awe I Love my inner child, who reminds me how wonderful life is I Love my wise elder self, who spurs me on into my dream future I Love working on my mental fitness and positive emotional intelligence which I have learnt is the essence of a successful, happy and fulfilled life. I grew into my self love – I created it, and I have to build on it every day with mindfulness, meditation, positive affirmations, creative writing, my story is a life commitment and a work in progress and always will be but it is an enjoyable and rewarding one. I love helping young professional women write their story, growing and nurturing their creativity to live their best lives, being the best version of themselves they wish to me, growing from a deeper sense of self-love within. Do you feel like your life is a roller coaster of emotions? Currently, your inner judge/self-critic, beats you up, and you wake in the middle of the night worrying about what happened, and what may happen tomorrow, with a sense of overwhelm, fear and unease, have you lost yourself in the depths of your busy noisy life….. Do you feel you are living a life story with old beliefs and thoughts patterns creating the same patterns of negative behaviour and problems in your life? Perhaps with tendencies like for perfectionism, people pleasing, imposter syndrome? Now…. Imagine a path of ease and flow, with a sense of calm in your life, where you are in control of your emotions and emotional responses, you’re resourceful, you’re positive, solution focused, with complete clarity for action, with a positive mindset and attitude, mentally fit and resilient and prepared for whatever life throws at you. Do you long for this type of ease and flow life? Are you ready to take positive control and ownership of your life and start writing your own story? I help facilitate the creating of this path for women in their 30’s to 40’s who feel they are ready to find that path back to their true authentic self, with a true deep sense of self-worth, self-value, and most of all self-love. I do this by helping you to build on skills, most of us don’t learn in school or in our younger life; with emotional and positive intelligence for transformational sustainable change with Mental Fitness. If you are ready, I am ready and able to help you, write and live your story. Get in touch if you want to find out more about Mental Fitness and positive intelligence and how it can help you achieve the life you want and write your story in which you are the main character, the love of your life, the heroine. It would be a pleasure to help you

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