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Journaling Through Grief

The healing benefits of expressing your feelings with words

Journaling is a healthy place where you can express your thoughts and feelings on paper with no judgement, it’s proven to reduce levels of stress, anxiety and or depression as journaling helps to process and release your emotions. It’s an outlet where you can open up privately (or share of you wish). Journaling can be difficult at first, it’s important to remember there is no right or wrong way to journal. When we are grieving, there are so many emotions going on. Journaling offers a very private place to share what is really going on.

Writing about your loss and what you are thinking and feeling will be sad, when you begin journaling this may intensify the grief but allowing yourself to feel all of those feelings will help you to navigate your way through grief.

Below are some prompts which you may find useful to help get you started with your journaling.

  • Today, I am finding it difficult to…… 
  • I find it helpful when….. 
  • I have been feeling….. 
  • I want/need help with…… 
  • I really miss….. 
  • I find it really unhelpful when people…… 
  • I wish my friends and family would say……. 
  • The hardest time of the day for me is…….. 
  • If I could talk to the person that dies (insert their name here in your journal), I would say….. 
  • I can give myself some self-compassion today by….. 

If you would like more support, please get in touch as I offer both group and individual grief coaching programs.

Nikki Peterson

Nikki Peterson

In-house coach at Psychologies Magazine

As well as In-House Coach at Psychologies Magazine, I have my own coaching practice and I help people who are going through a period of change, loss or grief (both living losses and the death of a person). If this is causing you stress, anxiety and or overwhelm. I will help you to rediscover yourself by giving you the time to think and be heard. As a result, you will feel more confident and more resilient so you can make better decisions that work for you and suit you. As we go through the challenging times of Covid-19, I am offering 'coaching by donation' appointments, it’s a challenging time and I don’t want cost to be a barrier to coaching. I have worked across the following sectors: Media, Charity, Entertainment, Technology, Wellness, Education, Professional & Financial services and Retail & Consumer. I am available in person, by phone or video call. If you or your organisation are looking to create growth & success please get in touch to discuss your needs; or 07825 561680