How to protect and reclaim your energy


Learn to spot the actions and environments that sap your energy โ€“ and those that send it soaring โ€“ and take steps towards living a more purposeful life, writes Holly Treacy. Plus, find six ways to protect and supercharge your energy now!

When do you get your first energy hit of the day? Are you bouncing out of bed and into your morning? Planning your schedule with your breakfast smoothie? Listening to an inspiring podcast on the way to work?

How you manage your mood could set the tone for your entire day. While itโ€™s never been easier to seek out motivational tips we can dip into, the truth is, our busy lives are full-on. Our attention can easily be sidetracked by countless distractions, often leaving us feeling more depleted than energized.

So, how can we redirect our time and energy to transform our lives? According to life coach and author Simon Alexander Ong, the journey to transformation begins with self-awareness.

โ€˜Awareness is always the first step towards change,โ€™ he explains. While we might all technically have the same amount of hours in the day, many of us may feel that thereโ€™s not enough time. Ong claims that we can have all the time in the world, but if weโ€™re doing things that drain us of energy, we are not going to feel motivated to get much done.

โ€˜When you lack energy, you make poor decisions, get easily frustrated over the smallest things, and operate significantly below your potential,โ€™ Ong says. โ€˜While this is not an ideal scenario, it is an unfortunate reality for so many of us.โ€™

However, Ong suggests that even if your time is limited, you can still accomplish a lot with enough energy. โ€˜When you feel energized, you become the chief architect of your day, and thereโ€™s nothing you feel you canโ€™t overcome.โ€™

Of course, the pitfalls of carving out more time are very real, so if youโ€™re serious about living smarter and mastering your energy, hereโ€™s where to startโ€ฆ

Protect your energy

Most of us will be familiar with the well-known phrase, โ€˜Put your own oxygen mask on first,โ€™ and Ong suggests that this is essential advice in order to protect your energy.

โ€˜If you do not take care of yourself first, you will not be able to help others, and if you do not establish energetic shields around you, you will never be in control of your energy,โ€™ Ong explains.

So how do we establish energetic shields? Weโ€™re certain weโ€™re not the only ones who say โ€˜yesโ€™ to far too many things โ€“ but hereโ€™s the aha moment: saying โ€˜noโ€™ could be the key in setting you free.

โ€˜Saying โ€œnoโ€ to that late-night party you donโ€™t really feel like going to; to meaningless work; to busynessโ€ฆ all of this contributes to you enjoying life more, and as a result, you end up having the energy to share more of who you truly are with the world,โ€™ explains Ong. He asks us to ponder the question: โ€˜If I am saying โ€œyesโ€ to this, what am I saying โ€œnoโ€ to?โ€™

Supercharge your power

We all have those people and places in our lives that light us up. There seems to be something magically magnetic about how good it feels to be in their presence.

Ong agrees that these energy-giving environments can power up our batteries and suggests that spending most of your time around positive energy will, in turn, leave you feeling more positive.

โ€˜When we think about energy, it can be viewed through four dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual,โ€™ Ong explains.

Physical energy is about prioritizing a healthy sleep routine, getting sufficient rest, feeding your body with fuel that is high in nutritional value, and moving your body regularly.Mental energy is about clarity of mind, focusing on what matters most, and leveraging the creative energy we all possess.

Emotional energy is about the relationships you have with yourself, others you spend time with, and events that are outside of your control.

Spiritual energy is about meaning and purpose โ€“ are you doing something that brings you joy and allows you to share your gifts and talents with the world?

If itโ€™s the former, you will bring far more energy into everything that you do; if itโ€™s the latter, then it will result in the feeling of physical tension and stress as your body tries to tell you that something must change.’

With Ongโ€™s words in mind, can you reflect on which dimension requires the most attention for you? What small steps might you take towards improving it? Perhaps thereโ€™s a way you could work with your body rather than against it.

โ€˜The key,โ€™ says Ong, โ€˜is to notice your current energy state, give yourself space to reflect on the options available, and then respond in a way that puts your needs at the forefront.โ€™

By becoming more attuned to our energy levels and understanding the sources that either drain or replenish us, we can take meaningful steps towards living a more balanced, fulfilling life. After all, when you thrive, so does everything and everyone around you.

3 ways to start protecting your energy now!

  1. Write down a list of things that drain your energy, suggests Ong. Next to this, write down a list of things that raise your energy. Reflect on which list currently takes up more of your time. If the answer is the list of things that drain you, begin to make plans towards spending more time doing the things that fill you up.
  2. Write a not-to-do list โ€“ a list of things that you donโ€™t want to do, Ong says. This will stop you from giving your energy away to the things you do not want in your life.
  3. Block out time for yourself to focus on you. We tend to be quick to say โ€œyesโ€ to others but rarely schedule time for ourselves. Focus on scheduling your priorities.

3 ideas to supercharge your energy

  1. Think of one person that you can be grateful for. Now write down, in as much detail as possible, why you thought of that person. Find somewhere quiet to put in a call and tell them what you wrote down.
  2. Design an environment that makes it impossible not to feel energized. From the people you spend time with to the books you read, your environment has a big impact on your energy.
  3. Embrace regular journaling. Itโ€™s therapeutic and helps heal mental wounds, bringing clarity and energy to areas of life that spark joy.

Find Holly on Instagram at @LifestyleditorHolly